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Phenomenal Christianity

by Shaun Griffin

Phenomenal Christianity is a lifestyle of power that transforms lives by revealing the love of God and the ways of His kingdom tangibly. As a Christian, imagine living a life of supernatural power every day? Jesus promised just that in Acts 1:8, “… but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall by My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth.” (NASB) If we walk empowered by the Holy Spirit we will experience supernatural phenomena on a regular basis. God speaks through dreams, visions, scripture, angelic encounters and prophetic words through other believers. He also heals the sick, raises the dead and performs signs and wonders – all of which can be categorized as supernatural phenomena. For too long the Church and everyday believers have relied upon the verbal communication of the Gospel. But the Apostle Paul tells us in I Corinthians 4:20, “The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power.” (NIV) The Gospel is a package deal, WORD and POWER. Sharing the Gospel with a stranger the moment after they are healed changes the whole dynamic of evangelism. Questions about God shift after you’ve demonstrated the kingdom through healing. Questions generated by skepticism are suddenly driven by the hunger to know the One who just took way the pain in their back. This book introduces you to a lifestyle of power and gives practical tips and instructions for demonstrating the kingdom of God wherever you go throughout your day. The bulk of the pages chronicle testimonies of every day encounters with folks, releasing healing and God’s love. This book is not for superstars and is written by an everyday believer who chose to become a believing believer – someone who believes what the scriptures say about God’s kingdom. As you apply what you read within these pages you will discover not only the power of the Holy Spirit, but how fun sharing the Gospel in power can really be. Get ready to live a phenomenal life in the kingdom. Welcome to Phenomenal Christianity.

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